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Sorry, it has been awhile since I have been on! I just got through taking all the shots for the IUI procedure. I took shots for about 9 days and then I took the trigger shot which is to make me ovulate. They did the IUI procedure on March 23rd...I did not know what to expect when I went into the Dr's office for the procedure, but it was nothing to it. The nurse informed my husband and I that they were going to inject me with 80.1 million sperm...I about fell off the table! I know idea that there was that many! LOL But I was also thrilled at the same time that it was a very good amount and that would help our chances. I now have to take another shot on the 28th and then the Dr said to take a pregnancy test on May 10th and I CAN NOT wait! I pray everyday that we have good news!
We went to the Dr on Thursday March 25Th for a consultation with the Dr .so we could decide the next step. We have decided to go ahead and do our first IUI. An IUI is where I will take shots to help my follicles to mature and then take a shot to ovulate and then the Dr will directly place the sperm into my uterus with a catheter. We have to go to Nashville on Tuesday afternoon to take a class that will explain the medicine I will be taking and also explain step by step what will happen. I am very excited to finally be trying something new. The Dr seemed to feel confident that this will work for us, but he also said most of the time people have to do 3 cycles of an IUI..but I am praying that the first month we do it that it will do the trick! I am nervous, anxious and scared all in one. I am anxious to start this process and to see how it works but I am also nervous and scared that it will be another disappointment next month BUT I keep reminding myself to stay positive and pray!
Finally heard back from the Dr's office today about my results from the HCG and blood work. Also heard the results from Scott's sperm analysis. My HCG turned out good, the Dr said the right tube is completely unblocked and the left tube is pretty much unblocked except for one small "questionable" area as they put it. My blood work showed my thyroid is still elevated so they upped my medicine to try and get that under control. Scott's results was overall good the Dr that is a relief! We go back to the Dr on March 25th to schedule the next step...the Dr said that would either be and IUI ( that is where they take the sperm and directly place it into my uterus through a catheter..after taking shots to make my eggs big enough and to make me ovulate) OR the Dr said we could either do surgery to find out what the "questionable" area is on my left tube. So once Scott and I get more information on both procedures then we will make the next decision! Please keep Praying for Scott & I!
I went Friday March 5th to Nashville Fertility Clinic to have yet another ultrasound done to see if any of my follicles were big enough to stimulate ovulation, but of course they were not. So right now its kind of a waiting game. If I do not become pregnant this month then I will go back on the fertility medicine and hopefully find out what the next step will be. Each week passes so slow to me...when you are waiting for certain things to happen it feels like an eternity. I am very glad that at least one of my tubes are unblocked tho...that was the best news we have had in months! That means that is one less hurdle we have to go over. Hopefully in a couple of weeks we will see what to do next!
I went Wednesday to have a HCG done again. We actually received GOOD news this time. The x ray doctor told us that as he could tell just by reviewing the films in front of us as the test was being done that my left fallopian tube was completely unblocked and that the right tube had some dye spillage. That is fantastic news to us, since August of last year I was told that both of my fallopian tubes were completely blocked. I was thrilled to hear that news, I know that it is a small step in this very long process but any GOOD news is welcomed! I also went back to Nashville today for an ultrasound. As of today my follicles are not big enough to stimulate ovulation, so we will just have to "try" again this month and hope for the best. If I do not become pregnant this month the Doctor will put me back on some fertility medicine and go from there. One thing I can say is that Nashville Fertility Clinic is a wonderful place!! Thank you God for answered prayers!
I go on Wednesday March 3rd to have a HCG test done AGAIN. I am not looking forward to this test. A HCG test where they run dye through your uterus into your fallopian tubes to see if your tubes are blocked. I had this same test done back in August of 2009 and it was extremely painful for me, but I keep reminding myself that this is one step closer to hopefully becoming pregnant and holding our own precious baby in my arms. If the HCG test comes back without good news then we will probably discuss invitro. I am excited to discuss this with our doctor, just because it is a procedure that makes us even closer to a positive test result! I should get the results of the HCG test later in the day on Wednesday or early Thursday morning, I can't wait!!
Well I have decided to start a blog to be able to let everyone know how Scott & my journey to parenthood is going. As everyone knows we are having some fertility problems, so we have been seeing a fertility specialist in Nashville the past 4 months. It has been an extremely hard process to go through but we both are learning a lot in the process. We are willing to do anything we possibly can do to have a child of our own. Hopefully the many test and procedures that I will have to go through will pay off in the end. Please pray for our family.