Monday, March 15, 2010

Another Appointment

Finally heard back from the Dr's office today about my results from the HCG and blood work. Also heard the results from Scott's sperm analysis. My HCG turned out good, the Dr said the right tube is completely unblocked and the left tube is pretty much unblocked except for one small "questionable" area as they put it. My blood work showed my thyroid is still elevated so they upped my medicine to try and get that under control. Scott's results was overall good the Dr that is a relief! We go back to the Dr on March 25th to schedule the next step...the Dr said that would either be and IUI ( that is where they take the sperm and directly place it into my uterus through a catheter..after taking shots to make my eggs big enough and to make me ovulate) OR the Dr said we could either do surgery to find out what the "questionable" area is on my left tube. So once Scott and I get more information on both procedures then we will make the next decision! Please keep Praying for Scott & I!